
Cjoverkill User Manual :: Sistes Administration


CjOverkill versions 5.0.1 and up allow you to manage several sites from the same installation. In this part of the manual you will learn how to manage these sites and how to perform all possible tasks on them.

The sites admin panel will display all the current sites that your CjOverkill trade script is managing and if you click on their domains a new panel with the sites trades and some other options will open. On the main sites panel you will be able to see your sites resume about how many trades does each site have and how much traffic does it have for the current hour and the last 24 hours.

The following tasks will be explained in detail in this manual page:

  • Adding a new site
  • Deleting a site
  • Editing a site
  • Reseting site stats
  • Consulting site links
  • Consulting site referrers
  • Consulting site hounrly logs
  • Consulting site cheat logs
  • Adding trades to a site
  • Consulting country logs
  • Setting a site in Overkill mode
  • The site country filter option
  • Site daily stats
  • Mass editing site parameters
  • Alternative Out URL
  • Default Filter URL
  • Trade Methods

Add a New Site

To add a new site you must use the "Add Site" option in the sites admin panel. Just fill the site url, name, description and niche and hit the "Add Site" button. After you have done that, hit the "Refresh" button on the main admin panel and you will see your new site in the sites list.

Now you are ready to start managing your new site.

Delete a Site

To delete a site you just need to select that site from the sites list and hit the "Delete" button. You will be asked for a confirmation on deletion and if you confirm, the selected site and all it's trades will be deleted from the network. From now on, if your CjOverkill files still remain intalled on that site and it still has traffic, all that traffic will be accounted into the "DEFAULT" site.

WARNING: This action cannot be undone!

Edit Site Configuration

To edit a site configuration you can select the site from the main panel and click the "Edit" button or click on the site domain and then from the site panel select the "Settings" option.

From the site edit panel you can change all the site parameters and adjust the anticheat settings and the way the anticheat protecions will work. Take a look at the Anticheat and Filters section of the manual about a detailed explain about how these work.

The "Default Trade Settings" part of the site edit panel only will affect new added trades. To change the existing trades configuration take a look at the Mass Edit section.

Reset Site Stats

To seset a given site stats select the site from the main panel and then click on the "Reset" button. This action will reset all the site stats for 0 for all the trades of that site and the site itself.

WARNING: This action cannot be undone!

Links Panel

The links panel will allow you to see where surfers click on your site if you are using tracking links. This panel cleans automatically every 24 hours and shows detaiuled stats per link for the alst 24 hours. You may see some links that you dind't make. Most of the times they are just variations that have been changed by toolbars software or spelling correctors that come with some browsers modules. In any case, this is only an informative panel and it's information is not used by the trading algorythms.

To take a look at a specific site click links (see Installation part of the manual about out.php linking) you can select the site from the main admin and then click on the "Links" option or button; or click on the site domain and from the site specific panel select the "Links" option.

Referring URLs

The referring URLs panel will allow you to see where exactly does your site traffic come from. This panel works per site and per trade. The per site version will show some duplicate referrers if two trades or more have sent someone from the same URL. The site referrers log is only informative and mainly used to spot search engine traffic. For trade specific referrer options take a look at the Trades Administration part of this manual.

To access the referrers log for a given site you must select the site from the main panel and then click on the "Ref Log" button. In that case you will see the entire list of referrers, included the ones tyhat have ended being filtered or invalid to some extent.

Detail Hourly Logs

The detail logs will allow you to see the entire site performance over the last 24 hours with a hourly breakdown of uniques, raws, clicks and traffic return stats. To access the detaul log you must select your site of choice and hit the "Detail Log" button. For detailed logs regarding trades separatedly consult the detail log part of the trades management section of the manual.

Cheat Logs

The cheat logs panel will provide you with all the cheats that have been detected on a given site. To access this panel select the site you want to check for cheats and hit the "Cheat Log" button. For detailed logs regarding trades separatedly consult the cheat log part of the trades management section of the manual.

Adding Trades

You can add trades to a site directly by selecting the site and then hitting the "Add Trade" button or by entering the site trades panel and then selecting the "Add Trade" option. For more information about managing trades consult the trades management section of the manual.

Country Logs

CjOverkill keep detailed country logs for incomming and outgoing traffic. The country logs are collected using GeoIP database.

To access some site country logs select the site and then click on the "Country Log IN" or "Country Log OUT" buttons depending if you want to see the incomming or the outgoing logs. You can also consult the country logs per trade. For more information about trade specific country logs, take a look at the trades management section of the manual.

Overkill Mode

When you manage several sites they tend to have some good extra traffic that usually goes to the Alternative Out URL. Of course, when you start a new site it usually needs some extra traffic to start properly. the site Overkill feature will allow you to put your network in Overkill mode and feed any of your sites with the extra traffic that your other sites don't use anyways.

To put a site in Overkill mode just select the site and hit the "Overkill" button. At that moment all the hits that go to the Alternative Out URL on any site of your network (extra out traffic that is not used for trading) will be used to feed that site.

Only one site can be put in Overkill mode. When the network is operating in Overkill mode all the sites Alternative Out URL setting will be overriden to send traffic to the Overkill site.

Country Filter

The country filter allows you to setup GeoIP filtering per site redirecting different countries to a place of your chuice. You can access a site specific country filter setup panel by selecting the site and then selecting the "Country Filter" option from the main panel. Or entering into the site specific panel and then selecting the "Country Filter" option from there. For more information about the country filter take a look at the Anticheat and Filters section of the manual.

Daily Stats

CjOverkill saves daily stats for each site and the entire network of sites.
To access the entire network daily stats just select the "Daily" option in the main panel. For site specific daily stats enter the site panel and then select the "Daily" option from there.

Mass Edit Trades

To edit different parameters for all the trades on a given site just select the site and then select the "Mass Edit" option in the main panel. Or enter the specific site and then select the "Mass Edit" option from there. For more information about mass editing trades, take a look at the trades management section of this manual.

Alternative Out URL

The Alternative Out URL is the URL where the skimmed traffic goes after all the trades have been paid their owed traffic. This traffic is accounted as outs to the "external" trade on each site. Usually people place their sponsor URL or traffic hub URL as Alternative Out URL.

The Alternative Out URL for any site can be changed at any time using the site edit panel.

Default Filter URL

The Default Filter URL is the URL where the script will send all the filtered traffic that is not filtered by the Country Filter. Make sure that your Default Filter URL IS NOT A PRODUCTION SITE. Take a look at the anticheat and filters section of the manual.

By default this setting points to the CjOverkill development and traffic test servers and all the hitbot traffic is analized for future developments in order to make better the script anticheat protections and filtering routines.

You can change the Default Filter URL from the site edit panel. Just make sure you don't redirect that filtered traffic to some production site.

Trade Methods

CjOverkill has 3 trade methods:

  • Pure Productivity: This is the default trade method and uses the incomming traffic productivity to determine how much to return to each trade and how fast. This is the most balanced method and the recommended one for established sites.
  • Uniques: This trade method only uses the number of unique visitors your trades send you to determine how much traffic to return. This method is very useful for only toplist sites and other sites that don't rely on clicks for trading.
  • Overkill: This trade method is very good to make big trades grow fast, but also tends to dump small trades in the way. This trade method was designed to help new sites grow. It's very unbalanced and favors very much the top and good trades while killing the small and bad trades. Use this method with caution on establixhed sites. It was designed as a new site fast growth method and without the needed experience you could damage your trades if you use this method on an already established site with stable traffic flow.

You can change your sites trade methods from the site edit panel. After changing the trade method the site will automatically start using it without any delay.